Free Consultations

Rediscover the joy of hearing.

What If We Told You We Could…

  • improve your relationships
  • decrease your frustration
  • improve your health, and
  • raise your overall quality of life 

Multiple studies have shown a link between hearing loss and the following

  • a decline in the overall happiness of relationships with loved ones (study),
  • depression (study), 
  • social isolation, lost income (study),
  • lost employment,
  • increased risk of falling (study),
  • impaired cognitive function and cognitive decline (study).

If you have questions about your hearing or hearing services and would like answers or advice from an expert, West Newton Hearing Center is offering personal telehealth consultations, hearing screenings, and comprehensive evaluations – free of charge.

For a limited time, we’re offering hearing consultations via phone or in person.

During your consultation, your audiologist will listen to your hearing concerns and answer your questions. Depending on your needs, your audiologist will create a plan of action with you. This free offer will not last forever, so reserve a time to talk with our experts today.

Reserve Your Free Consultation Now

We will contact you to set up a time. Please only reserve a time for yourself. If you know someone who may benefit from our services, please share this page with them.